LTER Slovakia
LTER Slovakia is a national network for co-operation of scientists, research organisations and stakeholders in the long-term ecological research. LTER Slovakia develops network of research sites designed to study ecosystems and socio-ecological regions (platforms) that can help understand environmental change. Individual ILTER members conduct a wide range of research, much of it site-based and long-term. LTER Slovakia is member of the world-wide network for long-term ecological research (ILTER) and its European chapter LTER Europe. Activities of the LTER Slovakia shapes the Declaration of LTER Slovakia, adopted on 18. March 2008 in Zvolen.
Mission of LTER Slovakia is to provide the research community, policy makers and society with sound scientific information, predictive understanding of ecological and socio-economic processes and inform solutions to current and future environmental problems.
Slovakia was invited to join the ILTER programme in 1995 and in next years co-operated with national LTER networks of surrounding countries in the regional ILTER network for Central and Eastern Europe (LTER CEE). In this period, Slovakia hosted three workshops of LTER CEE: in 2000 (Nitra), 2003 (Zvolen) and 2006 (Východná). In 2001 was established the regional secretariat of LTER CEE hosted by the Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS in Bratislava (Slovakia) and the LTER Slovakia co-ordinator Mr. Julius Oszlanyi became one of two representatives of Europe in the ILTER Coordination Committee. LTER Slovakia is a founding member of the LTER Europe, established in 2007 in Balatonfüred (Hungary). In 2008, LTER Slovakia hosted meeting of ILTER coordinating committee in Stará Lesná. The LTER Slovakia cooperates with other European national networks in building the Research infrastructure for the Long-Term Ecological Research – eLTER ESFRI.
The LTER Slovakia network consists of organisations that coordinate LTER sites and LTSER platforms in Slovakia, partner organisations participating in the research and scientist working in these sites and platforms.
Currently, four organisations manage LTER sites and LTSER platforms in Slovakia:
- Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS
- Institute of Forest Ecology SAS
- National Forestry Centre
- TANAP research station
National co-ordinator of LTER Slovakia is Ľuboš Halada (
Sites and platforms
LTER sites:
Kremnické vrchy Ecological Experimental Station
LTSER platforms: