1967-1971Start of ecosystem research in Slovakia at the Báb site as part of the International Biological Program (IBP) – establishment of the Báb site
1971-1974Ecosystem research at the Báb site continues within the UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MaB) programme
1979National Science Foundation (USA) call for pilot projects for Long-Term Ecological Research
1980LTER founded – NSF selected and funded the first 6 LTER sites in the US: North Temperate Lakes, H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Coweeta Hydrological Laboratory, Konza Prairie, North Inlet Marsh, and Niwot Ridge
1993The establishment of the International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER). First chair: Jerry F. Franklin
1995Invitation of Slovakia to ILTER; James R. Gosz elected chair of the ILTER network
1998Establishment of the LTER Regional Network for Central and Eastern Europe (LTER CEE) during the ILTER meeting in Panama/Costa Rica
1999LTER CEE workshop in Budapest – decision to prepare a joint project for the EU Framework Programme (Terry Parr designated as leader)
2000LTER CEE workshop in Nitra
2001The establishment of the secretariat of the LTER CEE network, based in the Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS in Bratislava (Slovakia), under the leadership of Ing. Július Oszlányi

GLORIA-Europe – EU 5th Framework Program project, contribution to the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS). The High Tatras as one of the first 18 target regions of 
‘s global GLORIA network. Beginning of research on 4 peaks, which later became the LTER site “Tatras – alpine summits
2002-2005 NSF (USA) project “Responsiveness of alpine vegetation to N inputs – A Comparison Between Central European and North American Sites“. Project leader: William D. Bowman, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO (US LTER site Niwot Ridge). Establishment of the Jalovecká dolina site.
2003LTER CEE workshop in Zvolen.
2004-2009EU 6th Framework Program Network of Excellence “ALTER-Net – A Long-Term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network“. Project leader: Terry Parr (United Kingdom). The project proposal was prepared by Sander van der Löwe, Terry Parr, Július Oszlányi, Edit Kovács-Láng, and Michael Mirtl.
2006LTER CEE workshop in Východná
2007The establishment of the European network for long-term ecological research LTER Europe (Balatonfüred, Hungary) – the result of the activities of the ALTER-Net project. The LTER CEE network became part of LTER Europe.
2008Adoption of the declaration of the national network LTER Slovakia with sites Báb, EES Kremnické vrchy, Poľana – Hukavský grúň, Jalovecká dolina, High Tatras, Alpine Peaks of the Tatras
2008Meeting of the coordination committee of the ILTER global network in Stará Lesná
2015The Kráľova hoľa site and the LTSER platforms of Trnava and Poloniny were included to the LTER Slovakia network
2016Two issues of the journal Životné prostredie were devoted to long-term ecological research: http://publikacie.uke.sav.sk/taxonomy/term/895
2018The eLTER project (Integrated European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological system Research Infrastructure) is included in ESFRI Roadmap 2018 – the European roadmap for research infrastructures. LTER Slovakia is part of the project.
2019LTER Slovakia is involved in the preparation of a national plan for research infrastructures
2021The Government of the Slovak Republic adopted the document “Road Map of Research Infrastructures (SK VI Roadmap 2020-2030“), which also includes the infrastructure project eLTER
2022-2025The first joint project of the LTER Slovakia network: “CALTER –  Soil carbon fluxes in dominant forest ecosystems along elevation gradient in the Western Carpathians“, financed by APVV (2022-2025, leader Peter Fleischer sr.)
2024The Government of the Slovak Republic approved the Action Plan for Research Infrastructures.